Tuesday 19 November 2013

Beginnings - Name, map

For my BA7 Design Document I'm creating human and Dragon concepts (in 2D) for a concept of an online game where humans raise dragons to travel, battle and companionship.

To start I needed a name for my world so I went to YAFNAG (Yet Another Fantasy NAme Generator) and generated random words that would fit in a fantasy setting. Out of the several I generated, these were the ones I felt drawn to:


Tomara sounded like a lazily pronounced "tomorrow" (making "World of Tomara" sound like "World of Tomorrow", a handy play on words). 

Having the name of my world (and my game) I went to a world map generator at a site called donjon (http://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/world/) and randomly generated a few maps to give a better idea of what Tomara should look like:

Map 1
Map 2
Map 3
Map 4
Map 5
Map 6

I liked some aspects but wished to remove others so I placed all the maps on top of one another and erased parts I could do without while leaving the parts I wanted. The result is the map below:

Melded Map
Looking at this map I feel there is probably too much land and not enough open water so I refined it again:

Welcome to the World of Tomara!
Now that I have the basic world structure of Tomara Time to neaten it up by drawing it out:

Would you look at those colours
Here's a key to go with it too

The key to the coloured zones of the map is here

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