Thursday 28 November 2013

A little Bonus before Deadline

Like the title suggests, some bonus stuff to submit to the Draft Submission tomorrow.

First up, me messing around with shapes and patterns while attempting to come up with a Logo for the Game (still no logo as of yet unfortunately)

The idea was to have a gem or jewel amplified by a border or design of some sort.

Looking at these now, I am very much drawn to the design on the far right near the bottom (two arcs holding up a small circle).

I also had a thought of each Clan having a logo of their own, but whether these will also adorn a stone of some sort is yet to be decided.

And the other little bonus piece is this concept for the villages of the Forest Clans.

Much like the movies Avatar and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, they would live in the trees. The houses (not pictured) would be pods similar to that in The Time Machine.

 ((Oompa Loompa tree houses has seen in the movie Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, 2005))

((Inside view of the Home Tree from Avatar, 2009))

((The cliff houses from The Time Machine, 2002))

Dragons concepts

I had an idea last night about my dragons - That there would be different sizes of dragons for each region (small, med, large and Titan).

Small - the most common species of dragons are the smaller variety. These are the kinds of dragons young children would be around to start with due to them being very friendly and playful.
Average - Average sized dragons are more intelligent than that of the Small dragons and are often used has household pets. These dragons are the kind to help with tasks, such as hunting.
Large - The rideable dragons of Tomara, Large dragon species are more commonly used for travel and combat. However, due to their large sizes and short temperments, these dragons are ridden and tamed by only the most proven of riders.
Titan - So far, there are four Titans, one for each clan. These dragons are destructive and dangerous, the most deadly in all of Tomara. Due to their great sizes, they are found only in the larger areas of their habitats.
Many have gone after the Titans. None have returned.

 I dived straight into drawing a couple of head designs to give me a better idea of the differences of each dragon race.

Fire - classic dragons
Air - bird/reptile hybrids
Water - deep sea fish based
Earth - dinosaur like

As stated above, my Earth typed dragons are based on Dinosaurs so I did more research on different types of dinosaurs.

I did a few basic designs for the dragons of the Earth and Forests.
None have wings due to the fact that they'd live in quite dense tree life, making wings more of a hinderance than a benefit.

Next up are Sky Dragons, the mix of bird and reptile.

The Sky dragons, completely opposite to the Forest Dragons, utilize their wings to the max.
Rather than scales, they'd be majoricaly covered with down, to maintain body temperature and resist the storms should they encounter one.

To the deep deep sea for the Aqua Dragons designs.

These dragons would be scaly, slimy, and some of them slightly see through like some of the fish I looked at here.

And now for the Classic Magma Dragons

I looked at Asian dragons too because when I think of Classic Dragons, I think of the ones that everyone thinks of pretty fast (European and Wyvern). I read a lot of dragon books when I was younger and Asian dragons were often included. I class them as Classic because I grew up with them as much as any other dragon in stories when I was younger.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Clothing Concept: Magma and Forest

Decided to make this a separate post so as not to clutter up the previous one.

Started to research armours for the Magma Clans, being the strong fist of discipline and law, they'd need a strong appearance.

After that, I looked at Fantasy hunters for my inspiration to desgining the Forest people.

 By drawing inspiration from these images i've made the Silhouettes of the Forest and Magma Clans.

With this set of Silhouettes i'll move on to the silhouettes of the Dragons of the Clans.

Clothing Concept: Aqua and Sky

I started to look into the types of clothes and outfits each clan would wear, starting with the Aqua Clans.

 The flowing garbes would be unisex, suitable for both male and female characters.

The Sky Clans will have a DieselPunk styled set of clothing.

 Unlike the Aqua clans, there's adifference between the male and female clothing. While there is limited styles for men, women have much more variety. I'll plan to make a few designs while giving the men more variety.

I did a few silhouettes of the Aqua and Sky Clans. Just by these alone, I had unknowingly given all the Aqua members long hair regardless of gender. This will now become a trait of the Clan - there is no diference between male and female styles as they all believe they are connected to each other spiritually, becoming one and the same.
While the Aqua Clans had long hair, the Sky members had been given short styles. Due to working with technology and being at high altitudes, long hair was rare and never flowing freely. This reduces risks of accidents while working with technology.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Beginnings - Solid Foundation

For my regions I'm making each region have it's own unique dragons and the humans having their own way of living. The regions are based on the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

Earth - Forest Clans

Humans - I picture the Forest Clan as hunters that make use of all resources in their land, taking what they need and not wasting anything else. This would make them very respectful of their land and would result in their own deities of Nature.
They would befirend well with the Aqua Clans due to their respect of higher power and care of the seas.
However, they'd see the technology of the Gale Clan as an insult to nature and would not get on well with their people.

Dragons - The dragons of the Forest would bear strong resemblance to the dinosaurs of old. Fairly large and powerful but, due to years of living around the Forest Clan, less prone to violence. The smaller species of the dragons being easier to tame for the purpose of the people and their ways with the Forest, even understanding the higher deities that the Clan pay homeage to.
Despite not being able to communicate verbally, the Forest dragons have developed simple actions and gestures which get the job done effectively.

Water - Aqua Clans

Humans - Being of the Waters, the Aqua Clan utilize trade and travel via sea worthy boats and ships. Though this is valued in their society, nothing is more noteable about the Aqua Clans than their use of magic. With powerful Mages and strong spiritual connections, it is no doubt that they also believe in their own gods of Tomara. Most, if not all, carry excess Mana restoration capsules with them at all times should their magical energies deplete unexpectedly.
Aqua Clan members form strong alliance with Forest Clans due to their belief in the spirits and the way they utilize their resources.
They do not see eye to eye with the Magma Clans as their ways of war and justice fall too heavily on physical strength and relying on pure aggression, something the Aqua Clans see no use of.

Dragons - The dragons of the water are both beautiful and monstrous. This is mainly due to the smaller of the kind looking much like flowing seaweed or a string of precious gems, while the larger deep dwelling dragons rarely, if not ever, see the surface light, twisting them into terrors of the deep. Humans and Dragons of this clan form strong bonds with one another, assigning them guardians of one another until the end of time.
Dragons of the sea are the only dragons that can communicate to humans telepathically and choose to do so only with their chosen Guardian.

Fire - Magma Clans

Humans - Strong willed, Brave and courageous, the humans of the fiery Magma Clans are swift with their actions. Believeing not in spirits but in the firm hand of justice and law, these members make their mark on Tomara with their talented armour craftsmanship, both transported to other clans and in use of their own forces.
With such intricate detail on their armours and weapons, it's no wonder why they allied with the Sky Clans and their miraculous use of technology.
Despising the Aqua Clans and their belief in the spirits, the Magma Clans would rather stay away from their beliefs.

Dragons -These dragons would be much like the dragons all are familiar with today - the Classic winged fire breathing serpents. hort tempered and looking for an excuse to demonstrate their power, these dragons are the most dangerous of all. Not to be messed with, they'll only listen to their commanders and leaders.
Simple orders are all these dragons need to understand, normally as one word or a short phrase, however, sometimes all they need is a simple nod and they'll plunge into the fray. Ready to defend their leaders lives, these dragons are the biggest threat from the Magma Clan.

Air - Sky Clans

Humans - Utilizing their use of technology, the Sky Clans have made their base in the clouds in flying cities. They prosper from technology and showing off their dynamic aerial manoevures upon their dragons. The Sky Clans are daring and have an unknown need to explore all the skies of Tomara and, by creating more durable technology, can escalate to new heights.
Allied with the Magma Clans gives them a large trade business with armour for technology, greately increasing the oppurtunities for their own way of living.
Though the Forest tribe is of peaceful nature, their refusal of technology would not be so bad if it weren't for them constantly having a go at the Sky Clans for using it. This is what drove them to dislike the Clans of the Earth.

Dragons - Sky Dragons are described as a mix between reptile and bird, often covered with many feathers. Their lightweight bodies enable them to fly at super fast speeds with high grace, both beautiful and deadly in combat.
Like most dragons, they can understand phrases and words and often repeat and mimick them for entertainment.


Other things to include in the game would be multiple currencys and creatures other than dragons that are native to their lands.
But for now, I have my basics and I will start researching into style and detail.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Beginnings - Name, map

For my BA7 Design Document I'm creating human and Dragon concepts (in 2D) for a concept of an online game where humans raise dragons to travel, battle and companionship.

To start I needed a name for my world so I went to YAFNAG (Yet Another Fantasy NAme Generator) and generated random words that would fit in a fantasy setting. Out of the several I generated, these were the ones I felt drawn to:


Tomara sounded like a lazily pronounced "tomorrow" (making "World of Tomara" sound like "World of Tomorrow", a handy play on words). 

Having the name of my world (and my game) I went to a world map generator at a site called donjon ( and randomly generated a few maps to give a better idea of what Tomara should look like:

Map 1
Map 2
Map 3
Map 4
Map 5
Map 6

I liked some aspects but wished to remove others so I placed all the maps on top of one another and erased parts I could do without while leaving the parts I wanted. The result is the map below:

Melded Map
Looking at this map I feel there is probably too much land and not enough open water so I refined it again:

Welcome to the World of Tomara!
Now that I have the basic world structure of Tomara Time to neaten it up by drawing it out:

Would you look at those colours
Here's a key to go with it too

The key to the coloured zones of the map is here